Where do I start about my father, teacher, pastor, mentor and hero, Pastor Tayo Adeyemi. What can I say that has not already been said? What can I write that has not already been written about this end time warrior? The world has lost an icon, the body Christ a General, New Wine Church a Shepherd and I have lost my DAD, Pastor Tayo Adeyemi.
I am particularly grateful to Almighty God for giving you to us, and grateful for the privilege of knowing you as my pastor and father. You are a father indeed to those who had the opportunity of meeting or listening to your message of hope. DAD, thanks for impacting my life and thanks a bunch for your exemplary service to GOD and positive influence to humanity. In service, you gave your best because you believe ONLY THE BEST is good enough for GOD and HIS people. You will surely be missed.
Chronicling back, I remember the first day I walked into New Wine Church (NWC) with Minister Sade Cole. It was a Friday service at west Greenwich House. Half way through your sermon, I had made up my mind to return to NWC and become a member, and there was no looking back. That is the best decision I have ever taken in my entire life. Through those years I observed with keen interest how you lived and worked like there was no tomorrow. How you lived as if you had limited time on earth, and carried out every assignment with the highest level of excellence.
I saw in you a teacher with exceptional eloquence. A teacher extraordinary and plenipotentiary. Your ability to deliver the word of God with simplicity is unparalleled. One does not need the Wisdom of Solomon to understand your teachings. An epitome of life that gave life to life. A leader of leaders, and a unique trailblazer. Your prophesies are what I call “prophesies par accuracy”.
I have no doubt Pastor Tayo’s work here on earth is done, indeed well done. We have so much to miss about DAD. For instance, if you needed to know how to excel in any aspect of your life, all you need to do is look at the way he conducts his activities or listen to him teach/preach. Ultimately, for direction, encouragement, and strategies to confront challenges of life, simply attend a counselling session with Pastor Tayo and you would have seen the direction to “press on towards the mark” of higher calling in Christ Jesus.
It is too hard take in that this great man of God is gone, but I am full of gratitude to GOD for knowing him, and I also know that to be absent in the body is to be in the presence of God. As believers we have hope that we shall see you again because you are asleep. Therefore I will mourn you as those with hope in Christ. Sleep well and good night
Lady J, the three young men Adeoluwa, Oreluwa and Efeoluwa, my heart goes out to you all in this difficult time. May the Almighty God comfort you all. In Jesus Name Amen.

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